Gigi Elliott, M.A. - Life Coach, Marriage Coach
With a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, Gigi has practiced counseling as a therapist for over 12 years. Gigi is a Board Certified Life Coach who specializes in helping clients overcome life hurdles, walk in the fullness of their lives, and discover their life's purpose. In recent years, Gigi has worked as a Life Coach encouraging a growing number of individuals in the church body struggling to walk in the fullness the Lord had for them. These clients loved the Lord, knew the Word, the importance of prayer but were still struggling. Gigi engages in Christian Life Coaching, as an approach to address the most common, non-medical issues people experience.
Utilizing her skills and advanced training in Solution-oriented therapy, Family systems, and Biblical-based coaching she specializes in working with women and men struggling with relationships, grief/loss, faith, identity, body image, sadness, stress, life transitions, parenting, and marital issues.
“My heart is to help clients draw closer to the Lord and all He has for them as they navigate life’s struglles and overcome challenges.”
How do you know if Gigi is right for you? If you are a strong Christian that loves the Lord and you are hitting a personal or relational struggle that you cannot overcome even after prayer and Scripture, then Gigi would be a great fit! If you have a currently diagnosed Mental Disorder, Personality Disorder, PTSD, Eating Disorder, or have experienced extreme trauma, then a Life Coach is not the right fit. Please continue to read through the bios of our amazing counselors! You can also call us at (434) 218-3592 to discuss who would best fit your needs.